Country and nationality

Portugal/ Portuguese

Professional role in the film industry

Video editor, motion designer and trainer.

Years of experience in the film industry

Information not available

Daniela Alfarrobinha

After graduating in cinema, video, multimedia she started working in an audio-visual production company where she was responsible for the creation of promotional videos for an internal channel of a city council.

Later, she entered the area of training and started giving classes, always in the area of the video to young people in professional education and also in higher education.

Finally, she spent 7 years working in the area of e-learning where she produced animation videos and video editing for e-learning courses for large national and international companies.

Currently, he has a personal project Motion4U where he develops videos for companies and entrepreneurs, mainly to use videos in their social networks, and also gives online training in video editing.


The main challenge she faced during her professional career was when she became a mother. The company where she worked was far from home which meant spending long hours away from home. Reconciling the role of mother and professional became a challenge.

It was then that she started working on her personal project, which gave her the possibility to work from home and also to manage her time to find a better balance between work and family.


Overcoming Obstacles 

In this professional area, it is very important to be self-taught because the tools used are always evolving.

Knowing how to work in a team is another competence that she considers fundamental because by working together you get further and faster. You learn from each other and take advantage of the best that each other has.


“This is an area that is constantly growing and within audiovisual, there are lots of possibilities. If you are starting look to try some different things to see which area you like best, will it be audio, will it be video editing, will it be animation.”

“The important thing is to keep yourself moving and to believe that you are good at what you do and you will be better and better.”




The WIFILM Case Study Library will provide VET providers, females interested in developing a career within the industry, or those working alongside females in the industry with a series of case studies on successful women in the film industry. The Case Study Library will highlight the barriers to entry for females in the industry, including deficits in role models, confidence, and career planning.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
